Better Business Summit

Project Type: event, words, expertise, narrative, Better Business network

Like all good creative love stories, it started with a meet-cute. We were fortunate enough to meet Hannah Cox, the founder of the Better Business network, after The Good Business Festival, which we’d worked on for several years. Hannah loved it – and was inspired to do something similar with her Better Business Network, in Manchester. As experts in threading together a business’s true ethos into an engaging narrative, we helped Hannah weave the narrative and set the agenda for the Better Business Summit; defining talking points, inviting speakers and panellists from within our own Wordscape/ Ethos network. And of course, we were there to support Hannah and the summit from start to finish.

This year marked the second year of the Better Business Summit, with the network now launched in Manchester, Brighton and Bristol – and soon to be national. Beginning in 2022, the first festival was in January of 2023, and this year’s 2024 summit ran from January 17 to 19, themed ‘Radical Utopia.’ And radical it was. Over three days it played host to over 60+ speakers, full of workshops, panels and keynote speeches, followed by a day of nature-based activities, and over 330 guests in attendance. This event was born from the desire to help businesses do better, and made for the businesses that take action. It’s in the name. “Because you can’t do business on a dead planet.”

Photographer: Tom Cox