Project type: words, training/consultancy

Aiming to help businesses from pre-start-up to scale-up, Pacificstream is a team of business support specialists, particularly keen to work with those in the creative industries.
Funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Pacificstream was already established in Liverpool, having run the award winning co-working space Basecamp, since 2013. In 2018, Pacificstream came to us to help define its aims for its new Pacificstream building and mission, ahead of a 2019 launch.
Consisting of a work and development programme, a physical space, and an events series, Pacificstream was set up to help people transform ideas into innovation. We worked with Pacificstream to establish the programme and tell some of the stories so far, working closely with the Pacificstream board. We spread its message through print, digital and online, whether in a brochure, on a landing page, or through social content, the aims were to engage with creatives throughout the UK and Europe.
Aside from shaping Pacificstream’s story, we also helped it to reach out to various networks, sectors, and stakeholders across the UK. We consulted and trained members of the team to help sell its services as succinctly and jargon-free as possible, while advising about social innovation, business incubation, and ethical business. We also wrote copy for the Pacificstream events series, because if anyone can get a group of creatives into an event on the promise of advice, support, and maybe a pint or two, it’s us.