Pooling Resources/Future Lidos

Project Type: partner, toolkit creation, campaign, framework, design, words

Future Lidos director Deborah Aydon is part of our wider Liverpool network – a One Day and Kindred community memberand, having pitched for the toolkit editor role for Pooling Resources, it was our job to edit the toolkit which is designed to help communities regenerate local lidos. The contents of this comprehensive guide includes five pillars, with a variety of specialists combining their expertise to create a cohesive understanding, including sustainability, community building, advocacy, business planning and, of course, design. This resource is an ongoing opportunity to share knowledge and expertise – with ample volunteers involved and generous insights from community groups across the country who’re going through exactly this process, right now.

It was a nine month endeavour in total, launched in February 2024 and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The whole thing was fuelled by optimism and inclusion, community-focused and future-minded. As we mention in the Lido spread in Ethos 20Making a splash – “‘Lidos are great crucibles of joy, wellbeing and connection. We hope the Toolkit will boost the many future lidos projects, and support lido operators who are developing their pools for the future,’ says project director Deborah Aydon.”