Wirral Festival of Beautiful Ideas

Project type: words, campaigns, branding, training/consultancy

Print run: 1,000

The beauty of BICo’s model is its transferability. Working with Wirral Borough Council for BICo, we ran an extensive campaign across social media, highlighting some of the best bits of the peninsula; from the beautiful Birkenhead Priory and historic Birkenhead Park, to the wonderful Home Cafe at Woodside Ferry Terminal. We celebrated the pioneering ideas and world-firsts that originated in Wirral, rekindling that creative spark for future generations to enjoy.

Running a series of walks, workshops and hack sessions, we invited over 40 social enterprises and innovators to provide solutions to a wide range of challenges. The festival concluded with a drop-in ideas session, and a launch party in the evening. Potential businesses were invited to pitch their visions: what they needed, and how they could feasibly make it a reality, with members of the BICo board on hand to listen and offer advice, as we worked round the clock to compile their ideas for the exhibition and commemorative newspaper.

Some of the ideas are now developing as thriving social businesses including the Wirral New Music Collective and a proposed Wirral Maker space and café.